Illuminate Your Displays

Lighting That Transforms Every Exhibit

Four Decades of Lighting
with Millennium

Located in the Tampa Bay metropolitan area, Millennium Lighting stands as a distinguished front-runner in the realm of LED lighting technology. With over four decades of expertise, our Founder and CEO bring a wealth of knowledge in both industrial and retail lighting sectors. Millennium Lighting is unwavering in its commitment to delivering top-tier, innovative products to our esteemed clientele.

Attention All Exhibitors!
Discover the Latest Innovation That's Transforming Exhibit Lighting!

Experience the brilliance of Millennium’s curated lighting collection, from our versatile Exhibit Lights to the transformative power of our Enhanced Retail Display Floods.

Assembly is easy! You can now eliminate all track and track fixtures with new state-of-the-art LED Hook Lights and Rectangle Lights.

Hook Light

LED Exhibit Hook Lights

Rectangle Light

LED Exhibit Rectangle Lights

LED Flood Lights
(Enhanced Retail Display)

Millennium Lighting Adjustable Pole

Adjustable Poles

Watch It
In Action

Dive into a visual journey and see how our exhibit lights bring displays to life.